Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Book Recommendations, Please.

So, my dearest and well-read friends...I decided that while I am here in England I would like to read a lot of British literature. I am sure that I could do a Google search and find out on my own, but what is the fun in that? I dare say, none. So, without further ado I make my request. Could you ladies be kind enough to recommend to me your favorites from the British author libraries? I can't wait to get started.

Right now I am reading Anna Karenina, a very long book, but a classic nonetheless.

I love you all and miss you. Don't forget that you are welcome to come and stay with me here in London.


Kristen said...

Hmm, I'll have to think some more about that. But off the top of my head: Harry Potter :), I Capture the Castle, Wuthering Heights, Alice in Wonderland (written at Oxford by a professor)...that's it for now. AND, I love the pictures of your new house! Especially the yard! How amazing.

Calista said...

Tara! Okay, top of the list must be Sherlock Holmes, but I like mysteries. And Jane Austen because all that beautiful scenery outside London is in her books. Also, Dickens has a few good ones set in London. Robert Louis Stevenson is Scottish- but that's British too:)I REALLY wanna visit you, the only thing stopping me is money...but, hopefully after I finish school.