Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Book Recommendations, Please.

So, my dearest and well-read friends...I decided that while I am here in England I would like to read a lot of British literature. I am sure that I could do a Google search and find out on my own, but what is the fun in that? I dare say, none. So, without further ado I make my request. Could you ladies be kind enough to recommend to me your favorites from the British author libraries? I can't wait to get started.

Right now I am reading Anna Karenina, a very long book, but a classic nonetheless.

I love you all and miss you. Don't forget that you are welcome to come and stay with me here in London.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's a...

We found out today we're having a little girl!
Finally I'll get to play with dresses and bows :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

K-SWISS and Randizzle reunited...

Happy Birthday Kristen!! Even if you are married with kids, you will always be K-Swiss to me:) 26? pretty darn old. Then again, we've all hit that mark this year. crazy how time flies. Well, I hope the best for you and the fam, and all that lies is so exciting now that we're all over the place, doing different things. We should have a reunion sometime. soon actually.

Randizzle, I miss you!! I miss your spunkiness and zest for life. And of course, your b-ball skills fo sho. P-town is not the same without the tall, mandolin-playin Randilyn. I swear you know everyone and their brother, and that's because you make people happy to be around you:) Happy Birthday!!!!

And to the rest~ sorry my blog posts are few, just know that I love and think of you all the time. Sadly I'm still stuck in the good land of Provo...where it all began our freshman year. Sometimes I think, man I wish they were still here. Every time I go to a dance, or play intramurals, drive by the creamery, or reminisce on ANYTHING that reminds me of our old Apt...I will forever think of you all!!!

And No, I am not dating anyone. ha. just to clarify.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Ladies!!!

Kristen gets first dibs since I forgot to wish her a happy birthday. My top five favorite things about Kristen are:

5 - her sweetness, as in so kind
4 - amazing listening abilities
3 - she is so cultured...I still remember our dorm door with quotes and pictures on it
2 - Solid and loyal friend!!!
1 - her daring personality...most daring being willing to head into the unknown (BYU) with me!

Sorry that it was late! I love you and miss you!

Randilyn, ahh our top 5 favorite things about you are:

5 - when you say you are going to do something, you do it; whether it's to learn the mandolin or go to law school.
4 - Solid and loyal friend, like Kristen, man we sure lucked out with our roommates, didn't we!
3 - mad dancing skills
2 - So much fun to be around
1 - Love and Passion for life

Love you and miss you too!!!