Monday, November 3, 2008

Proposition 8

Hi girls,

I was just remembering how everyone always used to refer to as "The California Apartment." I don't know who still may or may not be registered to vote in California but please remember CA voters in your prayers tomorrow so that they will vote to preserve traditional marriage.

I had the opportunity to go home this last weekend during the "blitz" before election day. There really is an intensity about this issue. I learned a lot about faith and I know that this is so important.

I am including some links just in case you haven't already seen them. (Clips from the broadcast to members in CA by Elders Ballard, Bednar and Cook)

YES on 8!


Randilyn said...

Heidi, you are so cute. I love how you posted nothing about your personal life except that you're voting 'yes' on 8...haha. I voted 'yes' too! But I voted by mail and thus didn't get my "I voted" sticker so I could get free stuff...oh well :)

Tara Ann said...

I am not registered there, but it won!!!! Hooray. But, now that Obama is president he will get to pick the next supreme court judges and they will have the power to change that for the entire country, scary!