Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What a great idea!!!

What a spectacular idea! I will love hearing what you all have to say. I guess Natalie's emails will have to suffice as her contributions for now. The Henderson Family has been sick all weekend. Kevin had a 5 day weekend, so of course he got sick. Isn't that what everyone does on vacation?

What are we up to. Here are some highlights of my normal mommy/wife life.

Everyday I wake up to Ethan's bedroom door creaking open. Then there is a pitter patter of little feet running down the hall and at last our bedroom door cracks open. Some mornings he gets in bed and cuddles for a bit, but most of the time he is ready for action. He brings cars or a book with him so that mommy can play right away (he has attempted to gain daddy's attention in the morning, but to no avail, which is why he always comes to my side of the bed). The time of his arrival varies between 6:30am and 8:00, even though he does to bed at 8pm every night.

Another big part of our life is of course the preparation of meals (you all know how much I love to eat). Ethan loves to help mommy in the kitchen and sometimes I convince him to cook in his pretend kitchen so that I can make dinner more quickly. But, most nights, we get out his step ladder and he pours, mixes, and stirs whatever he can get his hands on (not a good picture of me, but you get the idea). While he would love to use a knife, I have decided that would not be a wise action at this stage in his life. This weekend he made Chicken Pot Pie, carrot cake, cookies, and lots of pretend pancakes. We also watched Ratatouille, which is an adorable movie about a mouse who wants to be a chef ( I highly recommend it).

That is all for now. I cannot wait to hear from the rest of you!



Heidi Oliver said...

I love that you still have your Choose to Give apron. :)

Randilyn said...

Haha! I thought the same thing! I remember that apron well...Little Ethan is so cute--I just wanna squeeze him!