Me and the boys have been hanging out with my family in Utah and California while Kevin studies for the Bar Exam. He has been studying 10-14 hours a day, going to a bar review course, and working. We can't wait to return home to him in a week. He takes the Bar July 27 and 28 and we can't wait for it to be over.
Ethan and Dylan have loved being around their family. It is rare for them to be around cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and grandparents. Wendy lives here with her family. My little brother Jacob is here with my parents and my Grandma too. They are soaking up the attention. My older brother, Conor, got home from Afghanistan yesterday and he got to visit us in Folsom. The boys were excited to see him.
We head to London on Labor Day in September. We have been looking online at neighborhoods, schools for Ethan, and other details of London that are important. Ethan will be in Kindergarten there and will wear a little uniform. I am sure the boys will get British Accents, so cute!!!
We are doing well. My boys keep me super busy and I love it. I would love to hear how you gals are and what you are up to. Sometimes I forget where you are at, what you are doing, and what your plans are. I love you each and I miss you. And, is Natalie on here yet???
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