Friday, April 3, 2009

Thank you, Japan!

I LOVE Spring in DC! It is finally starting to get warmer and right now is "peak bloom" season for all the cherry blossoms! There are approximately 3, 750 cherry trees just along the Tidal Basin in DC. (Japan gifted the United States some 3,000 cherry trees in the early 1900's as a symbol of friendship.) Yesterday, my boss let me leave early from work to go wander around! It was so gorgeous! Even though it was an overcast day, the pictures are still pretty.

This picture is not from yesterday, but I like these blossoms best :)

Can't wait to hear updates from the rest of you! Besos!

1 comment:

Tara Ann said...

Those blossoms are beautiful! We still have not seen the beginning of spring, but the weather is slightly warmer. That was nice of your boss to let you go! Also, thanks for the March Madness tips. Out of 19 people I am in first right now. If Michigan loses tonight I will be the winner! I get $50 gift card to a restaurant. Hooray!!!