We are doing well. My parents will arrive in one hour and will spend a week with us. Dylan will be blessed next Sunday. He is already 7 weeks old and he is so adorable!! He has started cooing and smiling at us. I love my baby! Ethan is still great with him; he has not resented Dylan one bit except for the instance that I posted about on my blog.
I have started working out again, and can't wait to lose another 15 pounds to return to normal. However, with the amount of cookies I eat I better run a few miles a day in order to accomplish this goal. Once the weather is warmer the boys and I will get out biking and jogging with my new trailer/jogger. Kevin has been working out a ton and is finally getting rid of his post-marriage weight gain. His body could not handle the same amount of ice cream and cookies that my can without putting on weight (ooops)!
Kevin will spend the summer in New York without us, so if you have ever wanted to visit me in Michigan this is the summer to do it. We have an extra bed and an extra room. Feel free to stay all summer long. hehehe!
I love you and miss you all!
Blog Address: kevintarahenderson.blogspot.com